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Joined 2 months ago

Lvl 46 | 🇩🇪 | Enjoying mostly Historic books with a preferred focus on the Viking Age and the Middle Ages until knighthood became something old-fashioned and The War of the Roses had ended. Also open for Science Fiction and Biographies, a fine Thriller is always welcome anyway! #fedi22

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Oliver's books

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Audiobooks (View all 6)

2024 Reading Goal

41% complete! Oliver has read 5 of 12 books.

finished reading Finster by Ivar Leon Menger

Ivar Leon Menger: Finster (AudiobookFormat, Audible Studios) No rating

Mai 1986. Ein 13-jähriger Junge verschwindet spurlos vom Jahrmarkt in Katzenbrunn. Das passiert nicht zum …

FINSTERes neues Werk von Ivar Leon Menger im Stil des unübertroffenen "Monster 1983", allerdings mit deutschem Setting und einem mörderisch schockierenden "Aha"-Effekt, wenn dem Hörer dämmert, wer der "Greifer" ist.

Christian Stöcker: Männer, die die Welt verbrennen (Deutsch language, 2024) 5 stars

Die Welt steckt in der Endphase eines Kulturkampfs: Gier gegen Gerechtigkeit, Zerstörung gegen Nachhaltigkeit, Zynismus …

Shocking truth without Science Fiction

5 stars

Despite enjoying the current temperatures here near Siena, Tuscany in our holidays, one must admit that it is quite too hot here: A reflection that is underlined by the nature and natural events around us - and even natives tell that, during the last years, summer temperatures have increased drastically.

While pulling the plug and blogging in a great environment, there is also time for dealing with printed (!) books again - my recommendation here: "Männer, die die Welt verbrennen" by German author who managed to write a thriller on our world's status quo while raising a warning finger about the things people (men) do to burn this (our common) world.

The book contains the unpopular truth but getting and reading it is - in my opinion - an absolute must to understand while even this year's temperatures in Tuscany (and everywhere else) are far from being exceptional but …

Christian Stöcker: Männer, die die Welt verbrennen (Deutsch language, 2024) 5 stars

Die Welt steckt in der Endphase eines Kulturkampfs: Gier gegen Gerechtigkeit, Zerstörung gegen Nachhaltigkeit, Zynismus …

This book contains the unpopular truth but getting and reading it is - in my opinion - an absolute must to understand while even this year's temperatures in are far from being exceptional but rather a consequence of mankind's ongoing and self-determined doom.